Tag Archives: Glory

Heavens open above me


Last night I saw my glory streams again. Today I start a month of “Moon Journalling”. I have always loved the moon. Something magical about it. I feel a connection to others doing this already and I haven’t even started.. The Moon has always been there. It’s beautiful. I feel inspired even though my head has been pounding and my stomach painful. This is something greater apart from the normal life. It just seems to take my mind from being grounded in my thinking and put it up higher amongst the stars. There is a cycle to life and a pattern and forces at work that affect us all wether we know it or not. I of course will journal from a spiritual point of view. But there are greater ebbs and flows to life all around us and above that enthuse, inspire and empower me and that’s where I want to flow.

I talk to GOD and I feel HIS joy again. It’s HIS presence. Despite the lack of people around. The bodily dysfunctions and way life is. HE is the source of all life. It’s like flipping everything that comes against you that says you’re failing and realising at this moment that you are ok. It’s all ok. Walking in the light of that and letting HIM guide you through.

Take for example the noises in my ears and head constantly within. Loud, monotonous, repetitive and everywhere I am they are. Can’t escape them. Lately they have seemed worse than ever.

My body aching today, my head and my belly. Just this thing with people for so long. I wish I could explain it. But I don’t move in sync with anyone really anymore. Here and there I do and with my kids. These are all forces coming against me constantly. Reminding me of how weird I am and how different and how I don’t do this or that. But yet all around me and within me is HIS SPIRIT whispering to me “trust ME” and not once does HE condemn ever.. I am comforted. HE is all I need yet still HE opens the heavens above and gives me a sign. I see HIM in that so easily and everything else in my world is put right again. I can go along this path and trust that all is for a reason and that there are other ways to flourish than what the majority do.

HIS joy fills my heart and spills out. Despite everything else coming against me I am not hemmed in but through HIM I am given more freedom to soar on wings above. I can look at things differently. As I was driving earlier I realised that it doesn’t matter. Everyone is different despite the mass of humanity all trying to be the same. Embracing our differences actually makes someone stand out more in this world. I would rather walk in HIS light trusting HIM and knowing HE is with me as I am; even though I am often misunderstood and different to others. Instead of fighting it… let it take me where it will!!!

Glory stream

Rise Up Rooted


Sitting at the kitchen table middle of the day. Eating lunch – Tuna and beans out of a can.
Teenage son didn’t rise up for school like I knew he wouldn’t. I let in to his begs for mercy to stay overnight two nights ago. Knowing Mondays are his worst day. I gave in.
Didn’t listen to my gut sigh. Failed.

I’m not easily able to be understood even by those closest to me. Conversations sit hanging in the air because I can’t easily explain or fit into moulds I’m supposed too.

Others art works more easily applauded than my own. All my faults glare huge. I don’t strive to change that.

Yet despite my faults I sensed GOD strongly last night. In the bath tub of all places. HE has humour I will give him that.

Even if I can’t explain Him or make art that best depicts the wonder of HIM. (I couldn’t find a pic of a round earth that I could print sufficiently for my pic below). Hope it still makes sense.

Simple art works but the message is out of this world.

Today’s art is my day 24 of 30 days of a root journal project. Started in August lol. October and still going.


Today’s Inspiration:

If we surrendered

to earth’s intelligence

we could rise up rooted, like trees.

– Rainer Maria Rilke wrote that

This is what I’m thinking. Earths intelligence comes from the mind of God. Humans being created in his likeness. There are words in the bible about being rooted.. This pic is based on visions I’ve had when I’ve faced giant tests in life. God showed me myself much bigger than the problems. I know not a reflection of myself but rather of His presence and power in me or my Spirit connected with HIS! How God can come and abide in humans does sound weird. But spirit is different to flesh. See verses below which all really fit together. So many I found that relate to what I’ve created here.

We are raised up to heavenly places because of Christ.
Trees are majestic. They can be so gigantic!
In Him we are purified… Because below you see the scripture that says we are blameless…. Well humanly we are not pure are we. But through Him we are made cleansed and pure.
Hope for everyone to rise up..

I didn’t go with art journalling a tree but we as Gods children are even likened to trees – oaks! See below.. 🙂

Knowledge of the truth will set you free!!!

Colossians 2:7
Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.

Ephesians 2:6
Raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,

Ephesians 3:17-19 New Living Translation (NLT)
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Philippians 2:15
so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky

Isaiah 61:3
and provide for those who grieve in Zion– to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

Romans 8:20-21
For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[a] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

Colossians 1:27
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Find the author Lisa Sonora of the 30 days root journal project and see her submission at this link below.



What I’ve Learnt Today


Working through an ebook “the 40 Day Soul Fast – Your Journey To Authentic Living” Cindy Trimm

Day 1

Answers below are coloured by my own beliefs and influenced by reading this book at this present moment in time and according to my current personal circumstances.

Its amazing how this study today has pin pointed things I had not noticed!!

* Describe what you believe are some
outstanding characteristics about yourself?

I’m unique there is not another person in the world like myself.. I’m peaceful, gentle and positive. Child like.. Love inspiring others.. I love to share what I’m learning.. I love deep and meaningfuls.
That I know the truth that sets me free.. Jesus is the truth and His finished work changes everything. That I’m able to see heaven on earth now because of it. See differently.. Therefore I can share the good news..

* How have you capitalized on those and
harnessed the inherent power of you?

I haven’t capitalised on these fully with consuming passion as I could because I haven’t seen that I have the power in me. Only reading this question today has the light gone on.. Wow I’ve been aware God with me.. I guess I have looked at the results and been discouraged more than resting in the power and trusting God with it and allowing that to thrive in me and flow into what I do.. So its been in dribs and drabs. I see that not knowing his power is in me has meant I haven’t really been expecting results which has reduced my desire to be busy and productive and its weird.. Cause I’m still looking for results every time I do something but as the poor results influence further inactivity I can see it cannot flow on.. Therefore I’m limiting myself and what God could do through me.
I can see the results speak for themselves… I see I have gotten what I truly believed and that it cannot possibly pass along to others or capture their attention and spark them into action if its not coming from a thriving heart that believes… Result is – I’ve been powerless and people don’t get touched by the source.. Life produces life… Power connects and ignites.. Misguided or lacklustre passion doesn’t get noticed therefore touches no one.

* What more can you do to maximize your
unique set of gifts and minimise your own
peculiar shortcomings?

Focus on all that I am through Christ.. Untapped and limitless and realising I do have the power so I can enjoy the flow expecting things to happen more and more.. To minimise short comings is to not acknowledge only myself who is powerless without Him.
To live fully right now is not limiting myself because I am joined to Him.. To focus on Jesus more and more and the glory of Him whom I’m joined together with and all that is now possible!!!!
Focus on all that I am through Christ.. My life (now) is redefined. Simply be the branch in all its glory..

– my thoughts –

“I’m still hung up on “I’ve got the power” from earlier. I can see the way I’ve lived and I’m not living in a way that fully benefits myself and the world around me.

My light is hidden.

Yes like a vine that is lack lustre produces sparse fruit and nobody much except the really hungry are drawn to it.. Obviously my fruit will be limited right now if I’m not realising I’m in the vine and God feeds the nations through the branches, my branches.. Obviously there is a flesh me who is limited and weak, powerless, wildly inapt and only small…

But there is God almighty in all His glory who has given the world His Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life…
Becoming a “new me” a me that is a new creation because of being in Christ Jesus who never leaves and I am able to do all things through Him..

Cup running over.. Full of peace, self control, love, joy, wisdom etc.. My true reality which shines and is fully able to do all things and greater things than Jesus did because He said that Himself. I need to live from that.. As that… right now.. It is my life’s purpose to let the glory shine through me and change the atmosphere.. This is bearing much fruit.. Thriving. Being a light no longer hidden.


Increasing Glory


How do you explain what your feeling, what you are seeing with spiritual eyes. Being the most unlikely person for it to happen too..

I cover my eyes with my hands (as if that will stop it) its too much LORD.. nobody will believe me.. but everywhere I look there are messages from you.. EVERYWHERE… Ha ha.. you have been telling me they will take notice when miracles start happening.. and I will be hated even more than before. Misunderstood.. but the miracle part… I like that.. I love the bliss inside.. and how beautifully special I feel and sense YOU.. I feel like Im glowing.. I know people who see only me might easily miss it.. but YOU how can anyone not see YOU!!!!! When we start to see YOU.. there is nowhere YOU are not…

I hear YOUR love song to me.. I hear it loud and clearly.. its a cup running over and over even before I see any of the amazing miracles I hear are coming.. They will see me and not understand.. I don’t understand myself. All I know the signs are coming fast and thick now. If only they know and see and hear and feel what I am experiencing without physical miracles already. Im tired but at the same time energised. Intoxicated but able to stand.. like in another world but walking here.. ahhh its how the poets and authors and painters feel they see it all and they try to capture it and truly they are in another time and place and so misunderstood much of the time too.. Its like a vibration constantly feeding into me… I feel my spirit humming or something its strange.. my physical surroundings are much the same even my own physical limitations but you are not aware of the surroundings… less and less they are noticed I guess thats what walking in the spirit feels like..

Today this song woahh… I heard it spiritually.. relating to my relationship with YOU.. I will post link below.. I couldn’t find the lyrics written anywhere… listened to it over and over and over.. it just seems perfectly to speak into my life.. and about how much love I feel from YOU.. I mean I feel the most intense love I have ever felt… like the world around me was created just for me. Its like everything around is fitted together and I am going to implode with the magic of it all.

I swear the messages are everywhere.. I had coffee the other day with a friend.. and she gave me perfume.. Imari.. I looked up the meaning of the name… yep I do that now I am wanting to know the messages around me.. I mean if you are aware of GOD or just starting to be or hungry for it.. I encourage you to start to see everything around you speak.. it doesn’t matter anything can speak to you..
Re below.. I actually am not a good finisher but maybe things are changing.. 🙂 its a sign… see the word “Adventurous” well check out last blog post about the word Adventure being this months word.. lol so right for me… so much of this fits.. but yet its just the meaning of the name of perfume I got.. everything just seems to fit.. Its just I see this in everything… 🙂

What Does Name “Imari” Mean
Your tendency is to finish whatever you start. You like to use the pen or the needle (writing, fashion design etc). You are loving, compassionate, intuitive and humanitarian. Runs of luck, either good or bad, follow you. You are sympathetic, but at times might be touchy and oversensitive. You may have a gift for writing. You are intuitive and might be interested in the arts, drama or science.
You are seeking freedom, opportunities to enjoy life: to make love, to go places and to do things. You are very adventurous and willing to take risk to achieve your objectives. New ways and new experiences can’t satisfy your restless nature. One adventure leads you to another. You are honest and fair, because you know that this is the only way to receive justice and honesty from other people. But your personal growth is vital for your, and it is difficult to be tied down by rules and obligations. Your restless spirit might best controlled by choosing the field of work that meet your demand for action and adventure.

I am just going to try to capture what is going on in my life here. I have prayed a long time without seeing the big things change and kept faith despite much that says different, spent more and more time with GOD seeking HIS heart for many things lately and one has been to experience HIM more and more and of course impact my world.. I fail so much to share it in the fullest measure as I sense it.. but I am still going to try. I know something greater is happening more and more and if it continues to increase and come into all that I believe it will and more .. We are all going to be blown away and blessed and helped..

Dionne Warwick – No one There to Sing Me A Love Song



Connecting to God through Art


My joy to share my creative journey here..

Today is the first day of “The Creative Goddess Course”. See last post on source..

Blogging my art and expressions here as I go along..

My style.. My take.. My thoughts.. My way.. Beautiful course materials which give great freedom..

My prayer as I begin..

Dear Almighty God, Jesus & Holy Spirit..
I thank You that You are with me now.
To be with me on my journey of Divine Creation.
Please guide me to see, feel, express and experience the unity I have in You of wholeness and oneness.
Thank You for my spirit, mind and body as we create together, unified trinity which is now (4) including me yet each is unique in our own right but yet one! A great mystery!
Help me share the highest truth with vivid visions.
Being brave, wild and courageous and a deep dreamer.
May I know and become more aware of Your glory revealed in and through me in my own unique way as we partake of this sacred act of creation.. Amen


Even Though I Don’t See I Believe


Long endless battles.. sicknesses that stubbornly stay… seemingly unanswered prayers.. cries of the heart.. lack of seeing lots of miracles.. or mass healing’s or having revivals break out.. or being placed where your heart desires..

Yet JESUS says “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29

I am amazed as I travel along.. to see who are the ones who stubbornly stay the course of faith.. I know many who have had amazing prayers answered.. whose lives greatly improve as you watch the years go by and indeed many great souls have helped me along the path.. There are those who see miracles and attend healing services where jewels appear.. and people leap for joy freed from pain and suffering..

But amazingly its the ones who continue to stay where they are, where little appears to change.. unseen struggles and they seem to see far less of the glorious.. that incredibly keep trudging ever onwards like good christian soldiers..
They are what constantly amaze me.. the human spirit is GOD like.. for it can live on even when the body.. surroundings around it are anything but nice and may in fact be impossibly hard.. In fact it can shine and blaze away but the crazy thing is.. few seem to see it.. including the very same ones.. ohhh how I see it.. in my weakness this crazy crazy strength.. this unbelievable desire to keep believing no matter what.. You know its not from within you..

I feel its for us to open eyes and put this on display.. make people look at this phenomenon and marvel at all the more because its the biggest miracle there is.. That is how willing and virtually indestructible the spirit is.. even when the body is weak the spirit is shining its just we need to see it… Tap its power.. and live from that realm.. I can tell you once you start seeing this.. you will see GOD.. everywhere..

For me its the little things.. the things maybe no one else knows or find interesting or helpful.. that give me incredible indestructible hope..

Just now chatting to a friend.. but reading a kindle book on my iPad between messages.. he says the exact same word in chat I just read in my ebook. Incredible.. in that small moment a cosmic meeting of our two worlds.. and blink its gone.. to him.. it just passed by.. but to me I feel its weight.. And even moreso after I explained to him and he went on to talk about something else.. LOL.. It made me feel ohhh… ummm… my world stopped there for a few seconds.. wait on.. He was talking about his visions etc.. lol.. for me it was just one little word.. but my world was set on fire..

So it bore this writing now because eek the conversation kinda died.. that one little word.. gave me hope.. that there is something greater going on.. That my friend did not see the significance made me think of it even more… when others don’t see what we see it doesn’t make it less real and I don’t know.. A fierce determination takes hold that we are going to believe even more…

GOD does show HIMSELF in the unseen you can find that there is nowhere HE is not. Incredible.. something powerful happens.. we just take hold of it.. no matter how small and believe.. and somehow in others not seeing we can still get the blessing anyway and run with it.. and its so powerful because its like a little spark that can set a forrest on fire.. No wonder the devil tries to hard to stop GOD.. but look he might stop a lot of things in our lives but he is nothing against a GOD who is everywhere and a stubborn faith that refuses to believe no matter what.. Ha ha.. when the enemy comes in like a flood.. the Spirit of the LORD just reveals HIMSELF… no flood. no evil.. no great calamity can stand against the LORD.. in HIS glory..

The sun always shines even when it rains.. its there shining.. it never stops.. the light is always shining.. so GOD is here always.. even when it doesn’t seem it.. HE is here.. so if we cannot see HIM or feel HIM or see HIS hand.. YES YES YES we can still believe and should more and more because JESUS says we are blessed even more if we do.. and I testify we do actually start to see the unseen when we refuse to bow to circumstances.. give up our faith no matter what.. because its not our faith that is the answer.. Its because our faith is in all that is HIM!!!

I cannot explain it but I will try.. but those who do this too will understand.. our belief…even tiny minute faith… does indeed open a door of blessing to untold treasures.. We start to see HIM everywhere.. its in the unseen we start to truly see and then we always get the blessing..


Easy, Beautiful, Yours!!!


“GODS glory is when a persons spirit/soul/body shines with the knowledge of HIM & as people are freed to live authentic lives… that is how HE has created us to live..”
A knowledge of the truth sets you free.. JESUS said HE is the truth.. HE is your Savior and seeing HE has already come into this world and completed HIS mission which was to redeem us.. it is already done!!! Creation has been redeemed!!!! All that is missing now is knowledge about HIM and what HE has done.. Isn’t that the most amazing news!!!

Children and babies have a glow.. little ones.. I think that is because they were with HIM before they came to us and they had not been tainted by this world.. and its said little ones angels see the face of GOD..

They say there is also a glow on those who are about to die in this world.. Remember GOD is with us all.. even those who do not know HIM yet..
Now YOU can know.. right now.. how precious you are and how beloved you are.. Nothing to do but believe it is YOURS!!! JESUS did it all for you.. that’s good news..
There truly is nothing more beautiful is there.. than the glory of GOD being revealed in all of us.. we have just been blinded to it by evil and because we were ignorant of what salvation really is.. JESUS redeemed all of us on the cross and by becoming one of us to live perfectly and die perfectly in our place evil has been dealt with.. So right now YOU.. yes YOU can shine for your light has come..
