Monthly Archives: July 2023

Imagination Prompt


Reading an online magazine/booklet called Cultivate.. Answering a prompt.. see images..

  • Where would I meet you Jesus well I suppose in my imagination I’m not busy and I am not restricted.
    Definitely on a mountain with a view.. pet free. ((Full time puppy carer at the moment for my daughter and it’s busy))

Tonight I’ve changed my tune. It’s just here where I am Jesus. In my bedroom.. I’d even take the pup in here for a bit (even though Zali’s home) because you’d be here and you wouldn’t worry and he’d probably lay at your feet quite comfortably. Although maybe I should be somewhere more comfortable for you. I’m happy to sit on my bed. But I have pillows behind my back and my feet up. Perhaps out in the lounge be better though it’s puppyfied.
I just made that word up!

There’s a peace here LORD so I’m aware of you. I woke up earlier then my alarm this morning Zali starts at 8am. And a weird dream woke me up which I can still remember some of.

Being in a bus travelling with rich people, well some were. And the bus driver jumped out to save a woman being chased by a big bear even though we don’t have bears in Australia. Not big brown or black bears. And we had driven in on some very narrow and winding roads. And we were deep in bush land perhaps on the mountain top. And the road was rugged and stony. I think the bus driver has tried to distract the bear so the lady could escape him running after her. But it had not worked. I woke up with a start.

The dream disturbed me because I had a feeling the driver would take off after the woman to try and help her. But in my mind I thought nobody else can drive this bus and especially on dangerous roads down the mountain. If the driver gets lost looking for the woman whom he may not find what will happen to all of us? We’d be stuck here and maybe he couldn’t help her anyway? Or maybe there were more bears around that could be harmful to the bus driver too?
My mind was reeling with such thoughts. I didn’t get back to sleep and it was extra early before my alarm was to go off..

Do you sacrifice one to save the rest, or at least try to help the lady?

I realised though it was just a dream and probably sent to spiritually disturb me. Many of my dreams lately I have woken up when something bad just happened in my dream. When someone was injured or hurt or someone was disturbed with me and always before I could do anything to help or change it. Immediately I wake up with a jolt.

I wake up with a really disturbing feeling or desire to want to solve it feeling.. but obviously I can’t..

Jesus what does it mean? Is there a meaning to it? And why talk about this when it’s supposed to be about imagination?

I feel for people who don’t have this peace.. like I should be so exhausted right now.

But I feel calm and I’m even writing at this late time of day. Tomorrow is another early morning wake up to look after the pup..

I guess the thing is I know I woke from a bad dream earlier then I needed too.. I’m busy looking after Zali’s pup all day.. and up early again tomorrow and today experienced stomach pains as well.. and an upset tummy.. Early in the evening I’d just closed my eyes for a few minutes as the pup slept beside me taking that time to rest knowing the pup was safe atm.. I don’t think I got much rest just a few moments..

Yet this peace is there right now and calmness and I’m not feeling tired and it defies the circumstances so I clearly see God with me helping me.. even Zali’s work shift got covered today so she could study this afternoon for the possible Air hostess course.. She had a test too so it wasn’t till later this evening I could relax.

Dustin a friend tells me how demons can manipulate the atmosphere well it must be said also that angels must change the atmosphere because I’m at peace and there’s no worries and it cannot be just me or my atmosphere?!?

Thank you Jesus for being here strong like this for me because the one thing I can trust for all of this is right now is this sense of your presence..

If your presence is felt so strongly like this when I’m home always not going anywhere or seeing anyone or doing much or wondering how its going to go.. then things are meant to be this way for now or at least I can just trust without knowing or understanding or even doing much!!

All is well.. and all shall be well.