Made Course


Week 7 – Healing Leaves – Altered books are amazing. I just outlined words that spoke to me or depicted to me my wounds or struggles.
I guess they are truths to me at least in this earthly life. Meditating though on healing leaves re this lesson that Revelation 22:2 speak about.
We are told to pray that HIS kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I have things I’ve prayed for for years that have in fact got worse.. What are these healing leaves for the nations?
We are told to be as trees planted by streams of water.
My tree here is dry and depicts intense heat in the atmosphere. Yet the leaves are appearing as I focus/meditate on HIM who is truth and greater than the forces that come against me.
I’m learning faith will bring healing because a knowledge of the truth sets us free.. Knowledge is inner realm so I didn’t change the outer but am focusing on the truth instead..


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