Tag Archives: Symbolic

My Words for Today


Incredible is a word I would use to describe the power of one word.. or two words together..
And how they can set the tone for your day.. just choosing them or being aware of your surroundings. The messages that are coming in to your world through different means..

To explain. I subscribe to a monthly magazine called “Right Brain Planner”.. It is my first month to subscribe.
And in the magazine is a monthly planner consisting of all the days of whatever month it is. Currently being October. Empty squares to fill in whatever way takes your fancy.. I’m still learning but I have noticed that the others who also have joined this venture.. Write words for each day, some span a few days and its an amazing experience to take part in.
How I choose my words is they come up in my day or previous days. Might be a word I read and it keeps coming up again and again.. Or a short phrase that keeps coming up or stands out to me for whatever reason.

Today’s for me is New Moon.

One reason being.. I love the “Twilight” series by Stephanie Meyers and have a poster on my wall from the second in the series “New Moon”. Another reason is I am reading a book on my Kindle called “Emily of New Moon” by LM Montgomery. And also an online community of art journalling ladies I’m in is thinking of doing a get together and one suggestion is meeting in March next year on a date considered “New Moon”.

That’s three times its come up and is what I have picked for today’s word.. I think I would fall off my chair ha ha if it was currently new moon phase in Victoria Australia today.. which I just checked but it isn’t.

So instead I look at meanings of this phrase to encourage myself searching online to find amongst other things what I have added below..

* In Christian symbolism featuring Virgin Mary with the new moon it resonates with the concepts of purity, peace, illumination and perfection..
Weirdly enough “Illumination” was my word for Thursday, Friday and Saturday just passed.. Interesting huh.. I will show a picture of my month so far at the bottom of this post..
* New Moon symbolises new beginnings, a fresh start and rebirth.
Another funny thing is this fitted with my current month too… yesterdays words were.. “Letting Go” so new beginnings resonate here don’t they!
* Psalm 104:19 “HE made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows when to set.”
* Created order not chaotic. (Sun and moon, times and seasons)
* The word used for New Moon is Hebrew “Rosh Chodesh” literally means “beginning, head or renewal.”
Time of Spiritual renewal.

**From site : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Hebrew_Roots/New_Moon**

**All through the scriptural record, the New Moon was a day when the prophets heard from Yahweh, being a day designated for waiting upon Yahweh, for discerning His purposes and for prophetic revelation. Isaiah 47:13; Ezekiel 26:1; 29:17; 31:132:1; Haggai 1: 1** They have made an error there so one of the scripture references does not work..

This just above is “woah” to me mind blowing.. because just before I started some research and study on these words today including meanings.. I had a heart to heart with GOD myself.. asking for discernment.. for exactly that.. HIS revealing to me HIS purposes for me and yes I also do desire prophetic type revelations.. So according to my words.. this is exactly the right day or moment for me to ask GOD on a “New Moon” day.. Really really encouraged me… How these chosen words fit in right now. So I had to share this here..

Aren’t these things inspiring.. Great meaning for “New Moon” and my choice of words to symbolise today. I even found a moon sticker in my art stash.. LOL…

This is the site where you can find out about “Right Brain Planner” and even subscribe yourself.. I’d love to meet you and see what you do with your zine, your month and what messages you receive for your days ahead!!


Attention – added 11:37pm tonight.. Wow I walked dog this afternoon and what did I see but the moon even in the day on my horizon.. Wow had to return and add this in.. Last night I also downloaded an iPhone ap called “Sky Guide” today while walking I took a pic and right in front of me along with the moon ( viewed in ap) was the sign of Aquarius.. Now I don’t follow star signs but interesting that this is my birth sign.. Right in my path in the sky today! God aligning around me or I’m just waking up to it.. Included collage pic below.. Shows ap, view through ap of sky as I walked and a pic of moon! Woah!!!



